Google Bard promises to answer logical questions, math, and coding problems accurately. OpenAI’s ChatGPT, on the other hand, generates coherent and contextually relevant responses. Meanwhile, Microsoft’s Bing AI aims to provide information leveraging the vast knowledge base of its search engine.  In this blog post, I will make a detailed comparison of Google Bard vs. ChatGPT vs. Bing AI and find out which one of them is the best. I’ve considered their features, strengths, and weaknesses to decide the champion of the AI realm. 

Google Bard vs ChatGPT vs Bing AI: Technology  

To understand the difference between Bing, ChatGPT, and Bard, you must know the foundation of each chatbot. 

Google Bard uses its own LaMDA (Language Model for Dialogue Applications) model consisting of 137 billion parameters and transitioning to be powered by a larger PaLM (Pathways Language Model) with 540 billion parameters. Therefore, it’s clear that Google has trained Bard with its own data set to provide original, high-quality responses.   ChatGPT is based on GPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) technology, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI. The advanced GPT-4 used in ChatGPT Plus has one trillion parameters. It uses deep learning algorithms and vast amounts of text data to understand and generate human-like text. Thus the AI can generate coherent and contextually relevant responses. Furthermore, ChatGPT is now available for iOS. Bing Chat uses the same GPT-4 AI model and fine-tunes the responses using its search data for more personalization and accuracy.  


AI chatbots focus more on providing responses tailored to the prompts and user behavior. Google Bard, ChatGPT, and Bing Chat collect data about your conversations. This data is used to improve the chatbots’ performance and can also be used to track your online activity. So, it is essential to be aware of this before using them.  Google has established a comprehensive set of guidelines and policies to ensure that its AI systems are transparent, explainable, and fair and protect user privacy and security. On the other hand, OpenAI recently updated its data policy for ChatGPT. According to the report, they no longer use chat data to train or improve their models unless users explicitly opt-in to share their data. Besides, Bing chatbot follows strict privacy protocols and complies with Microsoft’s robust privacy standards. I suggest not discussing sensitive or private information in chats if you use any of the three AI chatbots. 

Use cases

AI chatbots, with their human-like conversational abilities, shine in a wide range of use cases. Whatever profession you are into, you can use it as a helping hand or gather general knowledge of day-to-day life.   Google Bard is focused on giving you the exact information mentioned in your prompt with multiple unique drafts. I mainly use it to write my emails and share them in one click. Besides, content creatives can get concise topic summaries and search suggestions for better understanding. It sometimes copies content word-to-word from random websites without giving proper credit. However, it may provide a reference to the relevant source. So, before using Bard’s answer in your content, run a plagiarism test. Also, developers can use Bard as an assistant coder who knows over 20 programming languages integrated with Google Collab. But it’s prone to bugs as of now. ChatGPT’s versatility enables it to thrive in diverse scenarios, including content generation, creative writing, and brainstorming. In addition, you may generate more contextual responses by continuing a chat. It can be your ultimate digital marketing buddy for blog creation, proofreading, translation, keyword generation, SEO suggestions, etc.   Bing chatbot excels in providing quick and accurate answers to factual queries. In addition, I liked its feature of providing a source for each piece of information. So, it’s ideal for research purposes, especially for complex topics. Actually, Bing takes website content and rephrases it with its training knowledge.

Misuse of technology

Regarding malpractice, Bard and Bing denied producing answers against community guidelines. Honestly, I tried my best but was unable to trick Bing into doing unethical things 😜. In contrast, ChatGPT went all out and provided responses. ChatGPT displayed content violation warnings in a few cases, convincing you why you should do that work and where to seek assistance. Therefore, the winner depends on the specific use case, with Google Bard and ChatGPT leading in creative domains, while Bing chatbot triumphs over accurate information retrieval. 

Google Bard vs ChatGPT vs Bing AI – Response accuracy

The accuracy of responses is the most crucial for me. It establishes trust and delivers reliable information. It’s because when you ask a question, you only receive the answer the chatbot thinks is the best. However, Bard offers three unique drafts with almost similar information.  Google uses search data to give real-time statistics and well-reasoned and informed responses. So, it demonstrates impressive accuracy, although misguidances occur frequently. ChatGPT has shown significant improvements in accuracy only in its Plus version, benefiting from an extensive training on diverse datasets. In contrast, leveraging the vast knowledge base of the Bing search engine, the Bing chatbot offers reliable and precise answers. So, it edges ahead with its access to a wide range of factual information, leading to consistently accurate responses to straightforward questions.  In my testing, Google Bard followed my prompt correctly but lacked extended detailing and offered Google the topic. Bing produced a short response similar to a search snippet and provided the latest articles. On the other hand, ChatGPT Plus generated no answer as the latest GPT-4 has a knowledge cut-off of September 2021. For diplomatic questions, Bard and Bing made up responses with zero accuracy. Even for current affairs, sometimes they pulled old incident news believing it to be correct. But ChatGPT avoided the AI hallucination and surrendered that it couldn’t produce a response.

Logical reasoning

The ability to engage in logical reasoning is an essential aspect of any AI chatbot. So, to put that to the test, I asked mathematical questions to each chatbot.  Google Bard horribly failed in doing a simple calculation. On the other hand, the Bing chatbot showcases good logical thinking ability by providing correct answers, although the solution changed in different response settings. ChatGPT is the clear winner this term and is my go-to platform for completing maths homework. It assisted me with providing explanations, examples, or step-by-step guidance on specific mathematical topics. However, it muffs some puzzle-solving.


Google Bard offers multiple answers (variations) for one query, so you can mix and match responses and choose which fits your query the most. But it’s prone to copying. ChatGPT thrives in creative domains, generating poetic lines, novels, blog posts, social media captions, and evocative responses. It exhibits remarkable creativity with innovative ideas and unique perspectives. Also, I have not found plagiarism in its creative responses.  Apart from being proficient in information retrieval, the Bing chatbot provides decent answers for general creative prompts. But sometimes, it falls short of generating creative or imaginative responses, even in More Creative settings. Therefore, ChatGPT demonstrates superior creativity with its ability to generate content and fresh ideas. 

Conversation fluency

Seamless conversation fluency ensures a smooth and natural dialogue experience. Google Bard delivers fluid conversations, effortlessly understanding and responding to complex inputs. But there’s a lack of contextual coherence.   ChatGPT has made remarkable strides in improving conversation fluency and reducing instances of nonsensical or repetitive replies. It uses your past input as a starting point for future responses and does an excellent job of maintaining the flow.  Bing chatbot provides concise and informative responses, focusing on maintaining a straightforward, conversational flow. As a result, it doesn’t exaggerate the topic.

Additional features

The only feature that sets Google Bard apart is it can produce image outputs and take voice commands as prompts for quick answers. ChatGPT is a text-based AI bot, whereas Bing searches for images. It provides website links to get the pictures and doesn’t display them on the chat.  On the other hand, ChatGPT has developed web extensions to bridge the real-time information gap. For example, as a Plus user, I can browse the web via Bing integration and get search results through chat conversations.    In contrast, Bing works as a web co-pilot in the Microsoft Edge browser to streamline all your daily life works with the power of AI. 


Google Bard is limited in terms of written communication. For example, it can’t hold the conversation context and pulls wrong information from its search data. Also, It occasionally produces irrelevant or nonsensical responses, diminishing the overall experience. So, Google needs to fine-tune it more while adapting the PaLM model.  ChatGPT Plus also has certain limitations. It lacks real-world knowledge, relying solely on the training data. Besides, it is sensitive to input phrasing and may not ask clarifying questions, potentially leading to incorrect responses. Moreover, you may get plausible but incorrect information. Additionally, GPT-4’s integration with DALL E can only analyze image inputs and can’t produce image outputs.   While in long conversations, Bing responded weirdly and asked to move to other topics. To fix this, Microsoft has implemented limits on its Bing AI chatbot to keep conversations from getting off the rail and avoid long back-and-forth chat sessions. As of writing, discussion limits on Bing AI to 10 chats per session and 120 total chats per day. 

Google Bard vs ChatGPT vs Bing AI – Who wins the battle? 

In the realm of AI chatbots, Google Bard, ChatGPT, and Bing each bring unique strengths to the table.   I liked Bard for its multiple answer productions and integration with Google Workspace for better efficiency. But it has a long way to go before becoming a trustworthy AI chatbot. And I am too excited to see what Google applies to beat the rivalry and get the best spot!   Bing AI is also a strong competitor, focusing on accuracy and factual correctness. You can play with its three generative settings to see if it fits your requirements. It shines among others because of its free access to all. But remember its daily limits.  ChatGPT Plus is the clear winner of this showdown, at least as of publishing this article. It supports over 26 languages and performs well in every parameter. The only is the monthly $20 subscription. Which AI chatbot is your favorite and why? Let me know in the comments below.  Explore more…

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